The Best Vegan Multivitamins to Supplement Your Plant-Based Diet

Ready to complete your dietary needs with a supplement that covers all potential nutrients you may lack on a healthy plant-based diet? If you’ve had a look at our Complete Vegan Supplement Guide, you may now be concerned about your nutrient intake on a vegan diet! If you haven’t, make sure to go over that article first! This way, you’ll know exactly what nutrients you personally need in order to thrive on your healthy vegan diet.

What Is a Multivitamin?

A daily multivitamin supplement usually consists of a pill or gummy that contains a range of essential vitamins and minerals. These are formulated in the ideal amounts for the group of people they're intended for. Some are meant for vegan kids, others are specifically for men or women, and some can be for those with specific dietary needs or even beauty. In the case of a vegan multivitamin, the manufacturers will look at which nutrients vegans typically lack, and create a formula that will help avoid any potential deficiencies.

With this in mind, know that not all vegan multivitamins cover all nutrients you may need to supplement. We selected only those that came closest to the perfect formula for a vegan diet, although this ‘perfect formula’ is not universal. Factors like age, gender, pregnancy… even where you live, can influence your supplementation needs.

So, make sure to review your multivitamin’s nutritional profile carefully before purchasing. We also recommend consulting supplementation with your physician before incorporating any multivitamins into your daily regime.

What Do Vegan Multivitamins Contain?

Depending on your individual needs, your ideal vegan multivitamin may contain:

What Are The Health Benefits Of a Multivitamin?

Different multivitamins offer different benefits, according to their target group. For example, a multivitamin formulated for healthy skin may contain vitamin C, zinc, vitamin E, and vitamin A, which may help to improve your skin's appearance and enhance your natural glow. A multivitamin for women may contain iron, calcium, vitamin D, omega-3s, magnesium, and B-complex vitamins, which optimize bone health and brain function, and can boost your mood.

However, when it comes to vegan multivitamins, these are mainly focused on completing your daily nutritional needs and avoiding deficiencies. However, a complete diet containing all essential nutrients in the right proportions will have plenty of natural benefits. These may include enhanced energy levels, sharper memory, uplifted mood, improved vision, boosted immune function, stronger hair and nails, among other effects.

Why Should Vegans Take a Daily Multivitamin?

You can obtain all nutrients, with the exception of B12, from an entirely natural and healthy plant-based diet. However, with certain nutrients, their daily requirement is trickier to obtain than others'. Vitamin K2, for example, can only be found in sufficient quantities in fermented foods like natto, which is an Asian dish consisting of slimy and stringy-textured fermented soybeans. An acquired taste, most would say. Although vitamin K2 and K1 used to be considered interchangeable sources of vitamin K, new evidence suggests that they fulfill different roles in the body entirely.

Another example is vitamin D, which aids in the absorption of calcium. This nutrient can be found naturally in just one plant food. Mushrooms (which are actually not considered plants) contain trace amounts of vitamin D2, but will not easily help you reach your daily intake. Luckily, many packaged foods like plant milks and cereals contain sufficient amounts of vitamin D. You can also get it by simply exposing your skin to sunlight every day, but this is not always possible for everyone. So, vitamin D supplementation is widely recommended to vegans.

There are also certain nutrients like omega-3s, which are found in sufficient quantities in plant foods like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts, but have to be converted into DHA/EPA in the body. Unfortunately, sometimes our bodies are not so good at converting omega-3 fatty acids into this form (especially as we age), meaning it's safest to simply take a pre-formed algae-derived omega-3 DHA/EPA supplement.

This said, vegans are much better off simply taking an inexpensive multivitamin, or a few single-vitamin supplements on a daily basis. This way, they can avoid any nutrient deficiencies, boost immunity, increase energy levels, and improve their overall health.

What To Look For In a Vegan Multivitamin?

There are a few factors you'll want to consider before purchasing your vegan vitamin capsules. Firstly, you'll want to make sure they contain the nutrients you need in the right amounts for your age, gender, and any other unique dietary needs you have. This can be done under the guidance of your nutritionist or physician.

However, there are other standards to keep in mind. The ideal vegan daily multivitamin will be free from gelatin, dairy, carmine, fish oil, preservatives, GMOs, alcohols, food dyes, any allergens you're sensitive to, artificial sweeteners/preservatives, and any other synthetic ingredients.

You'll also always want to watch out for iron supplements! If the multivitamin you're interested in contains iron, you'll definitely need to consult your physician before purchasing. Although some people do need a little iron boost, overdosing iron is never a good idea, and some individuals (especially postmenopausal women) should not supplement it at all. Instead, you can simply obtain it from whole plant foods. Find it naturally in kale, tofu, lentils, and more!

There are also bonus features to look for, like organic ingredients, sustainable packaging, and company ethics.

Our Favorite Vegan Multivitamin Brands

Wholier Multi For Plant-Based People

For an ultra-clean daily pill with zero animal products and all the essential vitamins you need to thrive on your plant-based diet, check out Wholier's Multi! Offering key vitamins B12, K2, and D3, as well as DHA/EPA omega-3s, selenium, zinc, iodine, and iron, it's the perfect supplement for boosted immunity, blood cells, metabolism, brain health, bone strength, and optimal energy levels! In fact, you'll even benefit from enhanced nutrient absorption thanks to their delayed-release capsules.

We also love how they provide a refillable glass bottle, and send you the refills in compostable packs! In addition, each capsule is free from synthetic fillers/colorants, GMOs, gluten, and carrageenan.

Important: Do keep in mind, however, that iron supplements should only be taken under a doctor's supervision. So, consult your physician before taking this multivitamin. This is especially true for men or postmenopausal women, as those who do not get their period require much less iron.

Check out what exactly you'll get from Wholier's vegan multi:

  • Vitamin B12: 150 mcg of methylcobalamin.

  • Omega-3s: 225 mg of combined DHA and EPA as life's®OMEGA sourced from algae.

  • Vitamin D3: 20 mcg as VegD3® cholecalciferol sourced from microalgae.

  • Iodine: 100 mcg as Seaceuticals® sourced from sea kelp.

  • Vitamin K2: 90 mcg as MenaQ7® MK-7 sourced from fermented chickpeas.

  • Iron: 8 mg as Ultimine® sourced from cultured rice and bisglycinate.

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Abundant Earth Labs Whole Food Multivitamin

Made with no preservatives or artificial flavors, next up is Abundant Earth’s Whole Food Multivitamin! Complete with vitamin B12, vitamin D3, a natural omega blend, vitamin K-2, and much more, this multivitamin may be the only daily supplement you need to take to ensure optimal health on your vegan diet. In addition, it features a digestive enzyme blend, green superfoods, a mushroom blend, and turmeric!

Here are the stats for Abundant Earth’s vegan multivitamin formula (3 tablets per day):

  • Vitamin B12: 500 mcg of methylcobalamin.

  • Vitamin D3: 50 mcg of lichen-derived cholecalciferol.

  • Omega-3: 100 mg from flaxseed and borage seed.

  • Vitamin K2: 180 mcg of MK-7.

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Future Kind Essential Vegan Multivitamin

Made with only the three main nutrients research has proven most vegans don't typically get enough of (and nothing else), Future Kind's Essential Vegan Multivitamin is safe and ultra-effective! Designed specifically for vegans and eco-conscious consumers, all nutrients come from sustainable plant sources, and it's packaged in a recycled glass bottle.

Here's what you need to know about what goes into this essential vegan multi (2 softgels per day):

  • Vitamin B12: 320 mcg of methylcobalamin, 80 mcg of adenosylcobalamin.

  • Vitamin D3: 50 mcg of lichen-derived cholecalciferol.

  • Omega-3: 135 mg of EPA and 270 mg of DHA from algae oil.

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Our Pick: Complement Essential Vegan Multivitamin

The science-backed team at Complement has identified eight key essential nutrients that we may not get enough of on a plant-based diet. With the help of renowned health experts, they used this info to formulate their own third-party tested, ultra-complete vegan multivitamin made with 100% plant-based ingredients! And it's a total game changer!

Their complete multivitamin is packaged in a 100% compostable and biodegradable pouch. Plus, your order will help plant trees around the world and donate a plant-based meal to a child in need. 

Complement offers a wide range of nutritional supplements produced from all-vegan sources, including two vegan protein powders, a super greens powder, omega complex, a gut health booster, and a triple B12 complex. They even offer an evidence-based nutrition program, in which they give you personalized daily nutrient packs and 1:1 coaching based on your actual blood test results!

Here are some of the essential nutrients you'll find in your Complement Essential Vitamin capsules:

  • Vitamin B12: 300 mcg of combined methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin.

  • Omega-3s: 300 mg of DHA and 150mg of EPA from sustainably sourced algae oil.

  • Vitamin D3: 50 mcg of Vitashine cholecalciferol, sourced from lichen.

  • Iodine: 150 mcg, sustainably sourced from kelp.

  • Vitamin K2: 50 mcg of menaquinone-7, sourced from bacteria.


Now that you know which multivitamins to look for, remember to keep in mind that whole foods are your #1 healthiest source of nutrition! Although there are certain vitamins and minerals, like vitamin B12, iodine, and vitamin K2, that are currently difficult to obtain from natural foods, almost all other nutrients are available in great abundance. So, whenever possible, go for big, nutritious bowls, smoothies, wraps, and salads filled with plenty of plant-based goodness! 

Thanks for always looking out for our planet and our animal friends. To your vegan lifestyle success!

More Vegan Nutrition

Patricia Maroday

Hi I'm Patricia. Certified vegan lifestyle Coach. I’m here to help you eat more plants, discover ethical products, help the planet and feel amazing!


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