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7 Plant-Based Vegan Doctors You Should Be Following

Here at Oops Vegan, we like to do our research and bring you quality vegan info. That includes information from the world of vegan medicine. Now more than ever, it is crucial that we learn how to best take care of our health. The truth is, we wouldn’t have much to share if it wasn’t for the research being done by doctors in the field. Doctors are so important, especially at times like these, and we think they deserve a shout out! So, here are seven plant-based doctors who are doing important research and working hard to make sure we all lead healthy, happy, and greener lives!

Dr. Michael Greger

If you’re a vegan, then you likely know who Dr. Greger is. For those who don’t, Dr. Greger is one of the OG leaders with plant-based medicine and research. He created one of the largest, and totally free, websites for everything vegan! On his site, NutritionFacts.org you can find recipes, blogs, testimonials, and most importantly the latest research in the world of veganism and plant-based nutrition. He literally wrote the vegan bible: How Not To Die!. His new book How Not To Diet is also worth checking out.

He also has a great app for any stage of the vegan journey: Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen. This app helps users ensure they’re eating a balanced diet and getting all of their nutritional needs on a daily basis. It’s easy to track and don’t worry—no calorie counting! Check out his info today!

His Books

His Instagram Account

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Dr. Neal Barnard

Another plant-based powerhouse is Dr. Neal Barnard. This guy has devoted much of his life to understanding the connection between what we eat and how we feel. Dr. Barnard is the President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. He has written numerous books including his latest: Your Body in Balance, which looks at the connection between our diet and our hormones. But wait, there’s more! He has also pioneered several studies that look at a possible way to reverse Type 2 diabetes. In other words, Dr. Barnard is a force to be reckoned with! If you’re considering veganism, Dr. Barnard’s content is worth viewing!

His Books

His Instagram

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Dr. Colin Campbell (The China Study)

86 years young, Dr. Colin Campbell is one of the most compelling plant-based doctors in the field. He gained major notice after publishing the famous study, The China Study. A quick recap: The China Study looked at villages in different counties in China. It compared diets high in animal food versus plant-based food and the respective rates of chronic diseases and death. Perhaps unsurprisingly, diets lower in animal-based food and higher in plant-based food is associated with less diseases and lower death rates.

Beyond his amazing research, Dr. Campbell also has a website where people can learn how to transition towards veganism and learn life-saving information. We think Dr. Campbell is pretty amazing, and we hope you’ll hear what he has to say!

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Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn is the guru of the plant-based diet and heart disease. His research began in the cancer field and migrated to heart disease after seeing an indisputable connection between diet and heart disease. Heart disease is the number one cause of death among men and women in western (USA, UK, Western Europe) countries. Dr. Esselstyn has led the research on the reality that heart disease is both reversible and preventable. He saw through numerous trials that patients with mild to severe to untreatable heart disease were able to reverse damage and live long healthy lives.

On his site, you can check out numerous resources including recipe books and articles. Why wait? Check it out today and change your life and those around you!

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Dr. Dean and Dr. Ayesha Sherzai

We all know how important it is to have a strong body and a strong heart, but what about a strong mind? The human brain is a powerful place, but our diets can greatly impact how well it is working. Dr. Dean and Dr. Ayesha Sherzai know how important brain power is. That’s why they have devoted their medical practice to Alzheimer’s prevention and treatment. They also seek to protect people from strokes, Parkinson’s, dementia etc. Sadly, these ailments and diseases do not have a cure. This means the strongest defense we have is prevention.

Dr. Dean and Dr. Ayesha, have numerous resources on how to protect your brain function. This includes their book, The Alzheimer’s Solution, YouTube videos, and recipes. They promote whole food plant-based diet as a primary defense against brain diseases. Do your mind a favor and check out their material today!

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Dr. Garth Davis

Dr. Garth Davis is the medical director of the Davis Clinic at the Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas. He is also known for his role on the TLC series Big Medicine. Much like the other doctors in our list, Dr. Davis promotes a plant-based diet as one of the best defenses against disease. Dr. Davis’ work is centered around helping obese individuals lose weight and cultivate a healthier lifestyle and relationship to food.

A great resource is Dr. Davis’ book: Proteinaholic. In it, he describes the reality that animal protein is an obsession in many cultures, and sadly, it’s killing us. He offers hope in the form of change. The goal is less animals and more plants, plain and simple!

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Dr. Michael Klaper

Finally, we have Dr. Michael Klaper. Dr. Klaper has been studying medicine for over 40 years! He served as the Director of the Institute of Nutrition Education and Research from 1992 through 2015, where he conducted a study that focused on people who ate a completely plant-based or vegan diet. As you probably expected, he found a vegan diet low in oils, sugars, fats, and salt to be the optimal diet and that the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) is killing us.

Dr. Klaper is essentially a nutrition guru and has written numerous books on the optimal diet to promote a healthy and disease-free lifestyle. His website is full of research, blog posts, books, and videos that address all major aspects of veganism as a diet. Ultimately, he wants people to live an optimal life, and that starts with an optimal diet!

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Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

Did you know your gut bacteria play a major role on your overall health? Firstly, about 70-80% of your immune cells reside in the gut! Also, probiotics can help to improve the health of almost all organ systems in your body, including that of your brain, heart, lungs, skin, and others.

Through his research as a renowned gastroenterologist, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz (also known as Dr. B) discovered that a plant-based diet can do wonders for your gut health! This discovery led to a major shift in both his studies and his own lifestyle. He quickly realized first-hand just how much a vegan diet can transform your body and energy levels when he made the switch. Naturally, it inspired him to share his findings in his fantastic book, Fiber Fueled, which has become a major bestseller and has inspired many to join the plant-based movement!

He shares tons of science-backed tips and data on his IG, and is constantly creating content to help you improve your gut health through a vegan diet. Give him a follow today to support his amazing work!

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Future Vegans

These seven doctors have devoted their lives to medical research, nutrition, and optimal living. Living on a plant-based diet, low in sugar, fat, salt, and oils is one of the best things you can do for your health, the planet, and animals. Thinking about what you eat can be a truly selfless act. Science tells us that our bodies, minds, and our environment can benefit greatly from our everyday choices.

We also want to stress that this is a day-by-day process. You can absolutely enjoy processed foods, vegan treats, and cheat meals from time-to-time, and in moderation! It is the culmination of small acts over time that lead to great change. Thanks to the doctors featured in this post, and many others, we have numerous resources at our fingertips to help you on your plant-based journey. No matter what point you are at, you are trying and that counts for a lot! For now, stay inside, look up vegan recipes, and enjoy every vegan bite!

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