15 Ways to Celebrate World Vegan Day in 2022!

Did you know November is considered World Vegan Month, and November 1st is World Vegan Day? If you’re looking for ways to participate in this celebration of compassion and respect for all sentient beings, you’ve come to the right place! This celebration, according to The Vegan Society, was established as a time to “recognise how far the vegan movement has come, reflect on our successes, and highlight how accessible and beneficial a vegan lifestyle is.”

A great way to start spreading awareness in your circle is by sharing info, treats/recipes, vegan movie nights, and other vegan activities and resources from day one!

Keep reading, and discover 15 fun and helpful ideas for your 2022 Vegan Month celebration!

Share your knowledge.

If you’re a veteran vegan, this is the perfect occasion to teach others about the benefits of veganism! You can share how you became vegan, how your life has changed since ditching animal products, and why it’s such an important movement for our planet, the animals, and our health!

Make a vegan cake.

Vegan desserts are just as delicious as non-vegan treats, and most are much healthier! For example, you can enjoy all of the chocolatey, decadent goodness and none of the cholesterol or refined sugars with our healthier vegan chocolate cake! If it’s a win, you can even share it with your friends and show them how yummy plant-based sweets can be!

Vegan documentary party.

Are your friends and family supportive and open to veganism? If they are, why not organize a Movie Party event and share some impactful vegan-themed films with them? Here's a list of our

Jam out to your favorite vegan musicians!

Are you a fan of Lizzo, Travis Barker, or A$AP Rocky? These are just a few of the popular musicians repping veganism in 2022! Check out our list here so you can start building your November playlist!

Share your favorite vegan recipe.

Many non-vegans perceive plant-based diets as restrictive, boring, or simply ‘rabbit food'. Show them otherwise by sharing your favorite vegan recipes on all of your socials, or at events and gatherings! You may even inspire someone to try them out for themselves!

Support your fave vegan restaurant/restaurateurs.

Vegan restaurateurs have done so much for the community, sharing delicious meals, elevating vegan cuisine, and participating in activism! Show them some love by sharing their socials or supporting your local vegan eatery!

Support an animal charity.

This year, you could schedule a visit at an animal shelter, or donate to an animal rights organization to show your support! Check out our list of trustworthy animal charities, and choose whichever one resonates the most with you!

Try new vegan substitutes.

There are tons of vegan substitutes out there that may turn out to be the next game changer in your kitchen! Check some of them out here.

Rock a vegan t-shirt.

Rep veganism this year by wearing a statement tee, like this one by Pack a Punch!

Share a vegan treat with a non-vegan neighbor or family member.

It's always a good idea to show non-vegans how delicious plant-based food can be! If you're just starting out with vegan baking, here's our vegan baking guides, to make things easier. You can also check out some of our treat recipes!

Adopt a pet from a shelter

What better way to celebrate compassion toward animals than by saving an animal in  need of a friend and a home? Stop by your local animal shelter and pick up a buddy to care for! Just remember, it’s a big responsibility! They’ll need special care to meet their individual needs, as well as tons of love and patience.

Share vegan articles/threads online.

Find a great thread on your favorite vegan blog? Take some screenshots and post it on your socials! Or, tweet out some interesting vegan articles! However you choose to share these resources, you'll be doing a nice thing for our animal friends and allies!

Read a book about veganism.

Discover vegan clothing brands!

There are tons of brands working toward a more ethical, sustainable future for the fashion industry! Check out some of the brands doing the most for the animals and our planet here.

Share your favorite vegan activists’ accounts.

Was there a particular vegan activist or vegan philanthropist who helped and inspired who helped and inspired you go vegan? Give them a shoutout and help them reach others this Vegan Month!

Happy Vegan Month! Have a great one, and remember that November or not, every day you have a great opportunity to share resources about compassion and ethics, and enjoy amazing plant-based meals. How will you be celebrating World Vegan Month? Comment below and let us know! Thank you for caring about our planet, the animals, and your health! Thank you for caring about our planet and the animals!

Vegan Substitutes You Should Try

Patricia Maroday

Hi I'm Patricia. Certified vegan lifestyle Coach. I’m here to help you eat more plants, discover ethical products, help the planet and feel amazing!


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