Is Kahlúa Vegan?

Is Kahlua vegan

*For ages 21 or older.

While most coffee liqueurs can be considered vegan-friendly, Kahlúa is produced with non-vegan sugar that has been refined with bone char. More details on the refinement process of sugar here. Additionally, some sort of milk or cream (usually heavy or whipped) is usually added to this drink, meaning if you were to order it at a bar or restaurant, it would likely contain dairy.

However, that’s not to say that there are no yummy vegan substitutes to this popular Mexican drink! Check out some of our favorites below.

Vegan Kahlúa Alternatives

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Patricia Maroday

Hi I'm Patricia. Certified vegan lifestyle Coach. I’m here to help you eat more plants, discover ethical products, help the planet and feel amazing!


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