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Is Ketchup Vegan? What To Look For and Some Natural Swaps!

Want to keep smothering your fries and veggie burgers in ketchup as a vegan? That should NOT be a problem! You'll be happy to know that most ketchup is in fact vegan-friendly.

However, depending on your standards, you may consider some brands of ketchup to be questionable for ethical vegans. That's because some contain ingredients that can indirectly affect the animals by supporting animal agriculture. Others may include ambiguous ingredients that could be plant or animal-derived. Keep reading to learn more!

What Exactly Is Ketchup?

Ketchup is a smooth, tangy condiment made with tomatoes, sugar, vinegar, and spices. It's usually enjoyed cold and used on vegan french fries, burgers, sausages, fish sticks, chicken nuggets, and other fried or fast foods.

However, ketchup can also be cooked into sauces, soups, stews, and more. Overall, it's an incredibly versatile ingredient and a great flavor enhancer for your plant-based meals!

Controversial Ingredients In Ketchup

As mentioned earlier, certain ketchup brands may or may not be considered vegan, depending on how their ingredients were sourced. After all, some of the plant-based ingredients used in ketchup may still affect animals indirectly.

Meanwhile, other commercial ketchup ingredients can be animal-based and thus, will directly benefit the exploitative animal agriculture industry that vegans oppose. Did you know honey ketchup and bacon ketchup were a thing? Discover which ingredients you'll want to watch out for in your ketchup below!

Refined Sugar

Ketchup is sometimes sweetened with white, refined sugar. This type of ultra-processed sugar may have been whitened with animal bone char, especially if produced in the U.S. However, we believe it's worth mentioning that the most popular brand, Heinz, does not use sugar that was refined with bone char. So, you can safely go for this affordable and vegan-friendly option!

Varieties listed as "organic sugar" or "cane sugar" are also 100% vegan, so you can simply look for these terms to make sure no animals were involved. More info on vegan sugar here!


Honey is often used in ketchups marketed as 'natural', 'organic', or 'artisanal'. However, a few popular brands like Heinz and Hellmann's have also launched honey-sweetened ketchup.

The problem is, honeybees are at risk, and some industrial apiculture practices can leave them even more vulnerable. Even if you weren't concerned about the malnutrition and stress these creatures are subjected to, you should know that bees are actually necessary parts of the ecosystem that we humans need in order to survive! In fact, it's predicted that humans would only survive for about four more years after the extinction of bees.

That said, some local beekeepers do help to conserve and strengthen bee colonies. However, vegans usually prefer to avoid honey altogether, especially when they aren't 100% sure where it came from and how it was produced. Learn more about whether honey vegan here!

Natural Flavors

If your ketchup contains this mysterious ingredient, there is simply no way to know whether it's vegan or not, unless labeled as such. You could also contact the manufacturers for clarification.

If you come across a ketchup made with natural flavors, your best bet is to check for a vegan certification, or avoid those containing this ingredient altogether, depending on how viable this is for your personal budget and lifestyle.

No need to worry too much about this ingredient, as it is so ambiguous, and it's somewhat unlikely for commercial ketchup to contain hidden animal products. However it's important to be informed in order to make a conscious purchase!

Understanding Ketchup's Vegan Status

If your go-to ketchup does not contain the above-listed ingredients or any clearly animal-derived products, it should be vegan-friendly.

If you aren't sure whether or not your ketchup is vegan, and it contains refined sugar or natural flavors, simply be aware that it could affect the animals in some way.

Veganism is about doing what you can for the animals to stay vegan long-term, and not about overspending or trying to achieve the impossible. So, while we will always encourage you to educate yourself on the impact of your foods, you also need to determine where you personally draw the line and how far you can realistically go to help our animal friends.

The bottom line is, some more affordable and accessible ketchup brands may contain these questionable ingredients. However, if the brand in question doesn't list any blatantly non-vegan ingredients and it's your only option, you don't need to feel guilt about going for it.

What To Look For In Your Vegan Ketchup?

Your ideal vegan ketchup will likely be any variety that contains minimal ingredients, no preservatives, and no harmful additives. It may also be sweetened naturally, or even with whole foods. In fact, some natural ketchup brands don't use any sugar at all, which can be an excellent option for those trying to reduce their simple carb intake.

Going for products made with organic ingredients is also a plus, as they can further benefit our planet and your health by keeping pesticides/herbicides out of your meals and our water supply!

Top Natural Vegan Ketchup Brands

Luckily, there are plenty of natural vegan ketchup brands that use zero harmful or animal-derived ingredients. They're sweetened naturally, with organic sugar, or are unsweetened, so you can be sure they're vegan-friendly.

Some of these ketchups contain just a handful of ingredients, making them a healthy, wholesome, and sustainable choice. If you're ready to make the switch, be sure to click on one of the fabulous options below!

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